The pain of mental illness, by Nikita Rose

Mental illness is the challenge and it fights for the brain
It’s like a battlefield
Ignore what people say about you
Because they’re very naĂ¯ve and stubborn
Instead of judging everyone and being bullying and disrespectful
Do your research: What's mental illness?

Take care of your brain; it's your messenger
Medicine is aid so your brain can function
Exercise your mind to feel better about yourself
If you don’t take care of yourself, your brain will pay the price.
Mental Illness is real.


  1. It's real and, unfortunately, it afflicts many of us. What a shame that there's still a stigma attached. People don't stigmatize cancer or heart disease, so why do they stigmatize mental illness?

  2. Powerful ideas! It is indeed sad that because people don't want to understand mental illness or depression they seek to label it and those affected. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and let us pray that more people will continue to step forth and spread the word so that one day mental illness will be in the same category as other illnesses.


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